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Your request to link to UniProt for Adenylate cyclase type 9

Target EnzymaticKineticITCArticlesDownloads
Primary IDUniProt Recommended NameSecondary IDsBindingDB NameKiIC50KdEC50koffkonLigProt
O60503Adenylate cyclase type 9A7E2V5 A7E2X2 D3DUD1 O60273 Q4ZHT9 Q4ZIR5 Q9BWT4 Q9UGP2Adenylate cyclase type 920000002
O60503Adenylate cyclase type 9A7E2V5 A7E2X2 D3DUD1 O60273 Q4ZHT9 Q4ZIR5 Q9BWT4 Q9UGP2Adenylate cyclase type 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9230030003
O60503Adenylate cyclase type 9A7E2V5 A7E2X2 D3DUD1 O60273 Q4ZHT9 Q4ZIR5 Q9BWT4 Q9UGP2Adenylate cyclase type 920000002
O60503Adenylate cyclase type 9A7E2V5 A7E2X2 D3DUD1 O60273 Q4ZHT9 Q4ZIR5 Q9BWT4 Q9UGP2Adenylate cyclase type 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9230030003